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Genfor provides professional Forest Tenure Management and works with clients that include community forests, woodlots and First nation tenures to ensure their natural resources are managed responsibly and sustainably. Genfor provides management and forest stewardship plans, annual logging plans, as well as all operational and site level plans. In addition, we manage all required permitting including cutting, road authority, special use, and alteration permits.

Tenure Management

& Planning

Green Forest

Genfor has a team of Forest Professionals focused on Operational Timber Evaluation, Resource Inventory Cruising and Appraisals. We find the best value for our clients through knowledge and best practices.

  • Operational appraisal timber cruising

  • Multi resource timber valuations

  • Compilations and analysis

  • Appraisal and stumpage support

  • Cruise plan development and submission

  • Stratum identification

  • Enhanced forest inventory using LIDAR

Cruising &



Genfor excels at providing full phase forest resource development. Our team of forest professionals including Registered Professional Foresters, Registered Forest Technologists, Accredited Timber Evaluators and Timber Cruisers take a Project Management approach to provide cost effective, timber and resource planning. By using LiDAR and other technologies leading into field reconnaissance and layout, we assure the best harvest application for each unique situation. We can identify all constraints at a stand level and develop blocks that comply with legal/policy requirements, harvest profile considerations, and economic objectives.

  • Total chance development planning

  • Timber evaluations and budgeting

  • Operational prescriptions and harvesting plans

  • Resource road and infrastructure design

  • Deactivation and reactivation prescriptions

  • Appraisal and stumpage support

  • Salvage development programs (windthrow)

  • Road and cutting permits

Multiphase Forest Engineering

Tree Planting

Genfor has an experienced team of Registered Professionals who develop and manage post-harvest silviculture activities to help our clients meet their reforestation obligations of conserving and improving a sustainable forest for future generations. Our silviculture team conducts pre-harvest ecological assessments of harvest areas and supervises planting programs. We monitor seedling growth and intervene to address competing vegetation by prescribing brushing strategies to assist seedling growth.

  • Silviculture prescriptions

  • Planting program management

  • Siliviculture surveys (Survival and free growing)

  • Stand tending (Brushing, spacing and pruning)

  • Wildlife and danger tree assessments

  • Community wildfire protection plans

  • Slash pile burning




Genfor GIS team offers a wide range of geospatial services for clients in industry and government. We provide efficient and quality data management services with submissions that provide expert resources and application to a range of sectors including the environment, forestry and development. Our GIS department utilizes ESRI ArcGIS 10.7to develop, implement and manage our client’s spatial data while producing quality and accurate deliverables for those using our products.

  • Lidar and aerial imagery acquisition and planning

  • 3D visualization models

  • Custom cartography

  • Forest development maps

  • Operational maps (harvest, road plan/permit, timber cruise, appraisal and site plan)

  • Tourism and recreational mapping (campsites)

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